Beyond the Break:
Estrangement Support Workshop Registration

Supportive structures to move you past the pain of the estrangement.

You can thrive beyond the break.

Imagine what it might feel like to:

  • Accept yourself without worrying about what your family thinks.
  • Openly talk about your estrangement without feeling embarrassed or angry.
  • No longer wonder “what if I had just not said those last words”.
  • Stop the chaos and drama that surrounds your dysfunctional break.
  • Have healthy, fulfilling relationships where you don’t constantly feel tested.

Beyond the Break is going to take you there!

Estrangement happens to everyone. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but I promise you it doesn’t matter where you come from, how you look or who you are, we’ve all experienced it. And it’s time we talk about it. Not just complain about it, really talk about it in a way that will move you beyond the break.

Beyond the Break is the 4-Week workshop that you’ve been looking for to help you heal, accept, quit reacting to whatever is thrown at you and really move forward in a positive way!

As a Master Integrative Coach who works with clients who’ve been estranged, I’ve developed the tools you need to truly thrive in a way that you can’t imagine.

Quit carrying the baggage alone.

Stop wondering what your life might be like if only they came back.

Reclaim the parts of you that have been lost from the wounds of estrangement.

No matter where you live, you’ll receive the support you’ve been looking for!

Beyond the Break is both an online and live workshop (if you live in South Florida). Class sizes will remain limited so that the group can remain intimate and safe for everyone to share.

What does Beyond the Break Look Like?

Week One: We’ll explore what it means to acknowledge your emotions and thoughts. Learn to work through unrealistic barriers that stop you from healing, including shame, fear and loyalty.

Week Two: Learn how to allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling about this situation, yourself or another person without judgment. Instead of pushing away thoughts, you’ll learn to let emotions flow through you and recognize the patterns and behaviors that have been keeping you stuck.

Week Three: Begin to feel the power of acceptance. Learn how to accept the situation and yourself in ways you’ve never imagined. Discover how to go with the flow of your life without getting sucked into unhealthy dynamics.

Week Four: Realign with your purpose and move beyond the “what if’s” of your circumstances. Find personal closure and take greater responsibility over our own happiness, joy and peace. Live in a place where the anger and disappointment is no longer consuming you – but merely a reference point and information about how you want to live

When You Join the Beyond the Break Workshop You’ll Receive:

  • Weekly Workshop Sessions (either live or on-line)
  • Carefully Designed Action Steps Designed To Move You Beyond Your Estrangement Story
  • Worksheets to Support You In Releasing Pain, Disappointment or Anger
  • Access to a Private Facebook Page Where You Can Ask Questions and Engage with Shari

Shari’s Coaching +Action Steps + Worksheets+Private Coaching on Facebook= Over $1000 Value

What would you pay for your freedom?

Although this course is valued at over $1000, I’m offering it to you at a one-time price of just $222 for the entire four weeks! Future workshops will be priced higher; so don’t miss out on this one-time price. $222 for four weeks of coaching, worksheets, support and a feeling you’ve been waiting to arrive for years.

Beyond the Break Online Course begins May 9th at 7:30 – 8:45 p.m.

Beyond the Break Live begins May 10th at 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. Course will be held at Meryl Brand Nutrition, 1730 Main Street, Suite 208, Westin, Florida

Sign up by clicking either the Online or Live Option Below.
Details about the course will follow once you have registered.

Beyond the Break Online Course
One Time Payment of $222
Begins: May 9, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

    Beyond the Break Live Course
    One Time Payment of $222
    Begins: May 10, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

      How Do You know if this Workshop is Right for You?

      Maybe you’ve tried therapy or held your emotions in in thinking that time will make it better, but it hasn’t worked. Or perhaps you’ve been in a cycle of dysfunction where you feel your love or loyalty is always tested. Constantly feeling like there must be something wrong with you. If you feel disappointed, ashamed, resentful or even glad you made the break, but still have lingering guilt, then this workshop is for you.

      Unlike therapy, Beyond the Break is more than just sharing you’re feelings. You’ll be an active part of creating your new reality. Stop feeding the wounds with action steps and tools to shift your perspective. You’ll be ready to step into a new reality. And you’ll do it in an environment shows you that you are not alone AND what you’ve been feeling is shared by others.

      Beyond the Break is really for anyone who’s felt the sting of literally becoming a stranger to someone you once cared about, but is ready to heal. Is that you?

      Join today by signing up now!
      Details about the course will follow once you have registered.

      Beyond the Break Online Course
      One Time Payment of $222
      Begins: May 9, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

        Beyond the Break Live Course
        One Time Payment of $222
        Begins: May 10, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

          Are You Ready To Be Fully Supported?

          Why spend one more day suffering, feeling like there’s something wrong with you or even guilty about separating from a loved one? Think about what all this is really costing you. Your self-esteem, your joy, healthy vibrant relationships and so much more.

          Beyond the Break will support you in taking the steps you need to build inner strength and confidence. Set boundaries without question. Learn to act instead of react. Release someone without always wondering what could have been.

          If you’re ready, I’m here to fully support you in moving beyond the break. Estrangement doesn’t have to be your silent secret.

          Join and discover a whole new level of healing.
          Details about the course will follow once you have registered.

          Beyond the Break Online Course
          One Time Payment of $222
          Begins: May 9, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

            Beyond the Break Live Course
            One Time Payment of $222
            Begins: May 10, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.

              Six Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries
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